Spa Facials at House of Beauty by Sarah

Mini Spa Facial


Treat your skin to this mini Spa facial and give it a healthy glow. When you book in for this great treatment you will receive an in depth consultation so that I as the therapist can get a full understanding of the products you use on your skin and when as well as what your problems with your skin are and how I can help.

I will then take you in to the nice relaxing treatment room where there is nice calming music playing and the atmosphere is relaxed. I do operate a no phones policy in the treatment room as this will mean you get the  full benefit of the facial without any interruptions form the outside world.

during this facial you will receive:

A superficial cleanse – This is to remove access make up

A Deep cleanse –  This cleanse will remove the remainder of your make up, any dirt or grime from the atmosphere and leave your skin clean and fresh

Tone – This is such an important step of skincare that gets missed out of many peoples routine, but the toner actually replaces the skins skin acid mantle back to a less acidly PH . Your skins acid mantle protects your skin from pollution and free radicals in the  atmosphere.

Exfoliation: I always do this during the steam as it means you get a deeper exfoliation, the exfoliatator  is able to work deeper into the skin and work better. The little tiny gitty bits loosed your dead skin cells making your skin look and feel clean.

Mask: Depending on what kind of skin type you are or the skin problems you have depend on which mask I use on your skin, I may also do what is called facial mapping, this is where i use different types of masks on different parts of your face to treat your skin problems.

SPF and Moisturiser: To complete the treatment you will have SPF 30 applied to your skin to protect it from any UV rays, you need to be applying this to your skin every day even in the winter to help prevent to skin prematurely ageing. To finish off a moisturiser is then applied to lock in all the great work that has been done during your treatment.

Luxury Spa Facial


Treat your skin to this Luxury Spa facial and give it a healthy glow. When you book in for this great treatment you will receive an in depth consultation so that I as the therapist can get a full understanding of the products you use on your skin and when as well as what your problems with your skin are and how I can help.

I will then take you in to the nice relaxing treatment room where there is nice calming music playing and the atmosphere is relaxed. I do operate a no phones policy in the treatment room as this will mean you get the  full benefit of the facial without any interruptions form the outside world.

during this facial you will receive:

A superficial cleanse – This is to remove access make up

A Deep cleanse –  This cleanse will remove the remainder of your make up, any dirt or grime from the atmosphere and leave your skin clean and fresh

Tone – This is such an important step of skincare that gets missed out of many peoples routine, but the toner actually replaces the skins skin acid mantle back to a less acidly PH . Your skins acid mantle protects your skin from pollution and free radicals in the  atmosphere.

Steam: After your skin is clean and i have re balanced everything it’s time to help those pores swell so I can get all the dirt out of your pores, the heat from the stream helps the pores to swell meaning that when any extractions are done we don’t have to apply any pressure therefore the skin isn’t damaged.

Exfoliation: I always do this during the steam as it means you get a deeper exfoliation, the exfoliatator  is able to work deeper into the skin and work better. The little tiny gitty bits loosed your dead skin cells making your skin look and feel clean.

Mask: Depending on what kind of skin type you are or the skin problems you have depend on which mask I use on your skin, I may also do what is called facial mapping, this is where i use different types of masks on different parts of your face to treat your skin problems. While your mask is doing it work I will give you a relaxing hand and arm massage to relax you even more.

Facial Massage:  Facial massage helps improve the blood flow to the skin meaning that it promotes new cell production, collagen and elastin production is stimulated meaning your skin is plump and full. It is also a  nice relaxing treat for you while i’m working my magic on your skin, you can op for a complementary scalp massage to add a bit extra to your treatment, you will be asked during your consultation if you would like to include the scalp massage

SPF and Moisturiser: To complete the treatment you will have SPF 30 applied to your skin to protect it from any UV rays, you need to be applying this to your skin every day even in the winter to help prevent to skin prematurely ageing. To finish off a moisturiser is then applied to lock in all the great work that has been done during your treatment.